Upcoming Activities and Deadlines

This page lists items chronologically that are produced by or in partnership with Creative Sonoma.* Click on the headline of each item to learn more and, also visit our Professional Development page. 

The Fire Memorial Task Force meets on the third Wednesday of every month. Agendas are posted HERE 72 hours in advance of each meeting.

The Advisory Board meets every other month on the first Wednesday of the month (sometimes adjusted to second Wednesdays for Holidays in January and July.) Agendas are posted HERE 72 hours in advance of each meeting.

The Advisory Board meets every other month on the first Wednesday of the month (sometimes adjusted to second Wednesdays for Holidays in January and July.) Agendas are posted HERE 72 hours in advance of each meeting.

The Advisory Board meets every other month on the first Wednesday of the month (sometimes adjusted to second Wednesdays for Holidays in January and July.) Agendas are posted HERE 72 hours in advance of each meeting.

*For Creative Skills or Professional Development Workshops presented or produced by Sonoma County artists and other organizations, visit our Creative Calendar and Opportunities